Slim-bodied Goldfish

Slim bodied goldfish are so powerful that they often are a beautiful choice for beginners goldfish owner. They can even get along well in a less than ideal quality of the water and the temperature is very cold, but you still have to strive to create a comfortable water for your fish. Slim bodied goldfish are also great for the pool, because they are not sensitive to cold water as luxury varieties. What's more, this goldfish can be quite large and even recommended.

Slim bodied goldfish because of strong, competitive eaters and fast swimmers, I do not recommend keeping this kind of common carp with the most luxurious varieties. Fancy goldfish slow moving and could not compete for food with a slim bodied goldfish around.

Slim bodied goldfish is very rough. Because they grow very large and faster than a luxury carp, they need at least 30 gallons (114 liters) of water per fish.

Common Goldfish Pictures

Common Goldfish-carp Some stoic around, carp common pillars in outdoor pools and contaminated water can tolerate a little better than most types of common carp (However, don't overlook the quality of the water). The most common goldfish like their ancestors, goldfish, and have a tail forked (tail) fins with smooth body. If it's stored in goldfish ponds, common can grow more than a foot long. These fish are available in a variety of colors, including red, black, Orange, white, yellow, and bronze. You can also find them in any combination of colors. The common carp is an excellent choice for beginners as long as tank requirements are met.

Comet Goldfish Pictures

Comet Goldfish-Like common carp, goldfish a comet has a slim body with rigid fins. But unlike other common types of goldfish, fish has fins with tail fin is longer so that the pillar can be almost throughout the body of the fish. While the Comet and common carp are two types of goldfish, they still are usually stored together in the same tank in pet stores (often sold as feeder fish). Like the commons, the Comet goldfish are very powerful and can be stored in the pool (usually) without any problems. They also come in a variety of colors and novice carp is excellent.

Shubunkin Goldfish Pictures

Shubunkin Goldfish--Fish is also recommended for beginners goldfish owners and recognizable by their beautiful Calico pattern (patterns include Orange, yellow, red, Brown, black, gray, white, purple, and blue). The more blue shubunkin Goldfish have, the more valuable they are. Like most slim bodied goldfish, shubunkins are very strong, competitive eaters, and fast swimmers.

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